A February Christmas Present for Compton Hospice

Helping Santa at Christmas makes for a busy time for Rotarians but getting on Santa’s ‘good’ list is only one benefit as thanks to the generosity of the thousands of people who came along to meet Santa we are able to continue supporting deserving local charities such as Compton Hospice.

It takes over £6 million every year for Compton Hospice to provide its services to patients free of charge.  With government funding only providing one third of this, the Hospice relies heavily on fundraising to maintain its level and quality of care.

Thanks to your support over Christmas President Rob tonight presented Sally Woods of the Hospice’s fundraising team with a cheque for £4,200 which will enable the Hospice to purchase computing equipment for use as part of their new patient management system as well as upgrading their Reception call handling system to ensure that the Hospice can continue to offer an outstanding level of service to both patients and visitors.

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