Economic & Community Development

October is Rotary’s Economic & Community Development Month highlighting the work which Rotary members do to promote economic and community development and reduce poverty.

With over 648 million people living on less that the $2.15 a day poverty line – the critical threshold value below which an individual or household is determined to be poor – there’s a lot of work still to be done.

The work of Rotary begins in the community, we recognise that every community has its own unique needs and concerns and that the people in those communities know best how to deal with those. By working with micro finance organisations such as Lend With Care we help empower local entrepreneurs to develop their local economies and reduce poverty in a sustainable way.

Working with other members of District 1210 the Rotary Club of Tettenhall has loaned over £360,000 to help 31,950 entrepreneurs around the world develop their businesses and create 17,636 jobs.

Join Rotary and help us to grow local economies around the world –

World Polio Day

Smallpox is the only human disease ever eradicated. Let’s make polio the second! 

For more than 30 years, Rotary and our partners have driven the effort to eradicate polio worldwide. Our PolioPlus program was the first initiative to tackle global polio eradication by vaccinating children on a massive scale.

Rotary members have contributed more than $2.2 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort.

This #WorldPolioDay your donation to EndPolioNow will save lives and give children a chance at a healthy, polio-free future. Donate now:

Who can join Rotary? You Can!

Rotary is 1.4 million passionate individuals – people like you who see a world where people come together to take action to create lasting change — around the world, in our local communities, and in ourselves.

Joining Rotary will give you the opportunity to:

Connect with people who are making your community better – we collaborate with community members who want to get to work on projects that have a lasting impact on people’s lives

Develop your leadership and professional skills – together we apply our professional experience and personal commitment to tackle our communities most persistent problems finding effective ways to help those in need and enhance health, stability and prosperity

Make new friends and catch up with old ones – we connect passionate people with diverse perspectives to exchange ideas, forge lifelong friendships and above all take action to change the world

Joining Tettenhall Rotary will give you the platform to make a difference through volunteering. If you’ve got a cause you’re passionate about, or a project you want to get off the ground, Rotary is the place to turn your ideas into action.

If you are looking to give something back to your community we’d love you to join us – contact us 

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Keisha Riley

As overall winner of the Wolverhampton Young Citizen Award 2022 Keisha was recognised for her volunteer work with the African Caribbean Community Initiative, a holistic and comprehensive support service for African Caribbeans affected by mental ill health.

Initially supporting ACCI staff by running errands around the building, photocopying, designing posters and helping members with basic technology issues Keisha has developed into a full member of the ACCI team and works mentoring other members as well as championing mental health issues both in school and the wider community. 

By nominating Keisha for this award the ACCI recognised how much she is respected, appreciated and loved within the community. 

Keisha told the Express & Star “ I am so honoured to win this award, it is not just an award for me, its is for everyone at ACCI and the good work that is done there.

I have been volunteering there since I was nine and hope my example will inspire other young people to help others”

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Emma Falconer

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Runner Up Emma was recognised for her volunteering work and her involvement with Girlguiding, she currently is a Leader in Training with 3rd Bilston Guides. 

Since becoming a Young Leader she has been developing her leadership skills with young women aged 10-14 and impressed the judges as embodying everything a good youth leader should be – an excellent role model for young girls having a positive impact on their lives.

As well as promoting the work of Guiding Emma has been involved with multiple community volunteering activities throughout Bilston including helping the Royal British Legion with their poppy day campaigns and the Rotary Club of Bilston and Wolverhampton West with their Santa Sleigh.

She is an amazing advocate for Girlguiding and truly supports and empowers young women.

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Kye Barton

As the overall winner of the Wolverhampton Young Citizen of the Year in the 18-25 age group, Kye was recognised for his incredible work as an advocate of the City’s Care Leavers – Care Leavers are children in care who at the age of 16 leave care and move to independent living.

Kye’s own journey of development has enabled him to play a significant role in the Care Leavers Forum for Wolverhampton ensuring it is an environment which is inclusive of all Care Leavers and works to achieve the best outcomes possible for Care Leavers in the City. 

As a result of Kye’s work Care Leavers in the City are now exempt from paying Council Tax. Kye has also been part of the development of The House Project for Wolverhampton, a scheme that provides young people an opportunity to develop their independence skills, which has received national recognition.

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Megan Baynham

Megan was recognised for her work to improve the lives of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, SEND for short, and their families in the City of Wolverhampton. 

As an active member of HY5! – a forum which gives young people with SEND an opportunity to come together and share their views and experiences – Megan represents the voices and opinions of other young people and helps to train professionals who work with children and young people with SEND. 

Through the work of HY5! Youth Forum Megan encourages other young people to have their voices heard and to help shape better futures for people with SEND

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Caroline Smith

Caroline was recognised for her with Beatsabar, a project music workshop based at Newhampton Arts Centre, helping disadvantaged and disenfranchised young people.

As a volunteer with the project Caroline leads groups in songwriting and music making activities helping them to increase their confidence, raise their self esteem and to help make positive changes in their lives. 

The judges recognised Caroline as a true leader who is making a difference in her volunteer work through her compassion, commitment and attitude.

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Annette Okeke

Annette was recognised for her commitment to improving outcomes for young people in Wolverhampton.

An active member of the City’s Youth Council, Annete was previously a member of the Whitmore Reans Youth Ambassadors which is a group who meet to highlight local issues affecting young people to decision makers in the City.

As Chair of the Culture and Diversity Forum she has helped to frame sexual health and healthy relationships content in the Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) curriculum. 

Annette has also represented the City at the West Midlands Police Youth Summit as well as being part of the Dying to Talk project which seeks to spark conversations and disseminate knowledge about death, dying and bereavement amongst young people. 

She has been an amazing representative for young people in Wolverhampton.

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Ramandeep Nijjar

Ramandeep was recognised for her display of an outstanding level of kindness and commitment to helping others. 

As a volunteer with the Midland Langar Seva Society, a charity for the homeless, she has supported some of the most vulnerable in the local community. 

During Covid she was involved in the ”Spreading Kindness” project, regularly sending letters and pieces of artwork to elderly residents in care homes, helping them to feel less alone during those difficult times.

As an anti-bullying ambassador at Wolverhampton Girl’s High School Ramandeep has helped develop projects around the positive use of social media, how to deal with peer pressure and positivity challenges in order to support the mental health and well-being of students. She has also led and assisted with several fund raising events in school to support Save the Children, Islamic Relief and the Ukraine DEC appeal.