Fighting Poverty Sustainably

With nearly 800 million people living on less than $1.90 day Rotary members are passionate about finding sustainable solutions to poverty.

We recognise that every community has its own unique needs and concerns and that the people in those communities know best how to deal with those. By working with micro finance organisations such as Lend With Care we empower local entrepreneurs to develop their local economies and reduce poverty in a sustainable way.

Along with other members of Rotary District 1210 we’ve loaned £437,271.19 through Lend With Care to help 35,305 entrepreneurs around the world to develop their businesses helping them to create 20,031 jobs in the process.

Our latest loans have been made to Janice, a shopkeeper in Cebu in the Philippines, who is using her to loan to help buy more stock to build her business, and to Hung, a cattle farmer in Vietnam, who’ll use his loan to expand his herd by buying three more breeding cows.

As Janice, Hung and the other entrepreneurs who we have made micro loans to repay their loans we’ll use the money to make further loans to other entrepreneurs helping to create more jobs and to reduce poverty.

Join Rotary now and help us to make a difference in local communities around the world.

Together We End Polio

As you wander around Wolverhampton keep an eye out for the purple crocuses which have been planted by the Tettenhall and the City’s other Rotary clubs to raise awareness of our vaccination project which is helping to eradicate polio worldwide.

The polio virus is a highly infectious disease most commonly affecting children aged under 5. The virus is spread person to person, attacking the nervous system, and can lead to paralysis. Although there is no cure, there is a safe, inexpensive and effective vaccine – one which Rotary and our partners use to immunize over 2.5 billion children worldwide.

When Rotary started the campaign to eradicate polio, there were cases present in 125 countries worldwide, now cases have been reduced by 99.9% and just two countries remain polio endemic; Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Through the actions of thousands of volunteers working together with Rotary the eradication of polio is tantalisingly close and we want you to get involved and help us finish the job.

Email us at to find out more about joining or volunteering with Rotary to see how you can make a real difference locally, nationally and internationally.

If volunteering isn’t for you then you can still help us to continue to protect children around the world from this horrendous disease with a life-changing vaccine – which costs just 20p – by Donating now. For every pound you donate the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will donate a further two pounds.

Supporting Ukraine – One Year On

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, the Rotary Club of Tettenhall together with Rotary clubs throughout Great Britain and Ireland have donated over £6m and given more than 100,000 volunteer hours to support Ukraine and its people.

Rotary’s impact ranges from supplying life-saving medical equipment and rebuilding bombed villages, to welcoming Ukrainian guests to our communities.

We continue to stand with the people of Ukraine and are committed to supporting the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

You can find out more about Rotary’s response by visiting:

Show your Support for Ukraine on Friday

Friday marks the first anniversary of Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and we’ll be joining with the Ukrainian community in Wolverhampton to show our support for their resistance

Everyone is invited to the rally hosted by the City Council outside of the Civic Centre in Wolverhampton starting from 10:00am on the 24th February. 

The event will include the raising of the Ukrainian flag at 10:45 followed by speeches from members of the Ukrainian community and the Mayor of Wolverhampton before taking part in the minute of silence which is being held across the country at 11:00am.

Can’t make the rally? You can still show your support by wearing blue and yellow on the day, flying a Ukrainian flag and by posting your support on social media.

Economic & Community Development

October is Rotary’s Economic & Community Development Month highlighting the work which Rotary members do to promote economic and community development and reduce poverty.

With over 648 million people living on less that the $2.15 a day poverty line – the critical threshold value below which an individual or household is determined to be poor – there’s a lot of work still to be done.

The work of Rotary begins in the community, we recognise that every community has its own unique needs and concerns and that the people in those communities know best how to deal with those. By working with micro finance organisations such as Lend With Care we help empower local entrepreneurs to develop their local economies and reduce poverty in a sustainable way.

Working with other members of District 1210 the Rotary Club of Tettenhall has loaned over £360,000 to help 31,950 entrepreneurs around the world develop their businesses and create 17,636 jobs.

Join Rotary and help us to grow local economies around the world –

Pakistan Flood Relief

Following the heaviest recorded summer rainfall for over a decade Pakistan has been hit with floods which have affected over 33 million people, over 15% of the country’s population, with at least 1,136 people losing their lives since the monsoon season began in June.

Early estimates from Pakistan’s planning minister, Ahsan Iqbal, put the cost of the damage at £8.5 billion, with remote communities cut off, communication lines damaged and 150 bridges destroyed.

Around 1 million homes in the affected areas have been damaged or destroyed, leaving behind millions in need of urgent shelter.

Tettenhall Rotary Club has made a donation to ShelterBox, Rotary’s global partner in disaster relief, who already have people on the ground.

Shelterbox are focusing their attention on the most affected areas of Sindh, Punjab, and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). The charity has a huge amount of experience supporting communities affected by flooding having responded to flooding at least 75 times since 2000, providing emergency aid and support to tens of thousands of families around the globe.

The work of the charity – which was founded in Helston, Cornwall, UK by Rotarian Tom Henderson, OBE, with the support of the Rotary Club of Helston-Lizard – recognises that recovery starts with shelter. Having somewhere dry and warm to sleep, to prepare meals and be with your family is vital in helping people start the long process of rebuilding their lives. Emergency shelter offers privacy and helps to preserve dignity. It offers protection from the elements, animals and disease. It helps keep communities together. It can help to bring back a sense of normality, allowing children to go back to school. Most importantly, it empowers families to start the process of getting back on their feet.

In addition to tents and tarpaulins each Shelterbox contains essential items such as water purification equipment, tools and cooking utensils to help those affected recover and to rebuild their homes.

From Cameroon to Syria, all the way to the Philippines and the Caribbean, Shelterbox have provided shelter to over 2 million people so far. You can help to support their work by donating now at

Lending With Care – A Small Investment Goes a Long Way

Its nearly three years since we started working with Lend With Care  – a micro-finance organisation that brings together entrepreneurs in developing countries with people who have the power to help them.

With loans totalling just short of £3,000 to date we’ve made 53 loans, helped 231 entrepreneurs, 593 of their family members and helped businesses to create 87 new jobs – a little can go a long way

We’ve been helping people like Mrs Bui Thi Phoung in Vietnam.

Mrs Phoung’s family is reliant on the income from their small holding on which they grow vegetables and corn and raise pigs and buffaloes for sale to local merchants

The family lives in impoverished conditions but the loan which we assisted with under the Lend With Care scheme helped Mrs Phuong to invest in seedlings and fertiliser to expand their vegetable plantation and to increase the family’s income

The loan to Mrs Phuong has been fully repaid meaning that we can now put that money to work again helping other entrepreneurs.

Doing Good in Ecuador

As part of our work with Lend With Care we’re one of the lenders supporting Ángelo Correa a carpenter from the small town of Palanda in Ecuador.

Don Angelo owns a workshop making mostly household furniture such as beds, tables, chairs and cabinets to order which employs two assistants. Having built up the business from very humble beginnings Don Angelo requested a loan in order to further develop the business by purchasing timber in bulk and new tools for himself and his assistants.

Lending With Care

By taking part in the Lendwithcare mircofinance project we’re helping some of the world’s poorest people work their way out of poverty with dignity.

Doing Good with ShelterBox in the Phillipines

Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in the Philippines are now homeless and without clean water or food in the wake of Super Typhoon Haiyan. Their situation is desperate.

With winds of 195mph, the typhoon is the largest storm ever recorded to make landfall and current reports indicate that upwards of 10,000 people may have lost their lives. Further reports are filtering through of ‘utter devastation’ across the main city of Tacloban and the islands of Samar and Leyte. The need to get shelter and essential aid to those affected is immense.

Rotary’s Project Partner ShelterBox has moved quickly to put teams on the ground in the Philippines and they are moving emergency shelter and other vital aid already located in the Philippines and neighbouring countries to the worst affected areas.

The ShelterBox solution in disaster response is as simple as it is effective – they deliver the essentials a family needs to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, groundsheets, water storage and filtration equipment, cooking utensils, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.

Rotary clubs throughout the world have been supporting ShelterBox in this vital work and this week President Sammy was pleased to hand Shelter Box Representative Gerry Walsh a donation of £31,270 to help those affected by Super Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.

The scale of the contribution has been made possible by the generosity of a single anonymous donor, who recently gave the Club a donation of £30,000 to help our Disaster Appeal. With the Club’s support ShelterBox will be sending 53 additional ShelterBoxes to help people left homeless and destitute by the devastating effects of Typhoon Haiyan last week.

You can see the contents of a Shelter Box for yourself at the Tettenhall Christmas lights switch on event this Saturday, 23rd November at Tettenhall Green from 4 o’clock and we’ll be collecting more donations from members of the public to help ShelterBox carry on their vital work.