Biggest Ever Rotary KidsOut Day

On the 8th of June members from Tettenhall Rotary teamed up with Kids Out to host children from Wightwick Hall School at the largest ever Rotary KidsOut Day at Drayton Manor.

The day saw more than 29,000 disadvantaged and disabled children treated to a fun day out at theme parks, the seaside, zoos and other attractions throughout the UK – with over 5,000 of those children joining us for great time at Drayton Manor.

Rotary volunteers make the day possible by fundraising, supporting with transport, overseeing the organisation and chaperoning.

KidsOut Day gives disabled and disadvantaged children the opportunity to have fun and to enjoy what many other children may take for granted. This special day is vital to the lives and hopes of thousands of children across the UK and is only possible due to the thousands of Rotarians, volunteers and supporters who make it possible.

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