Molineux Collection

Sunday saw the Club at the Molineux stadium for our annual pre match collection. Wolverhampton Wanderers  Football Club and its fans have been incredibly supportive of Rotary over the 18 years that our collection has been running and this year was no different with over £2,000 raised for local good causes taking the total raised over the years to over £40,000.

This years collection will help Power Pleas, a local charity which provides powered wheelchairs for young people in the Wolverhampton area to help them live a fuller life. Featured in the photo is Darren Langston with Wolves Vice-President Rachael Heyhoe-Flint. Darren was the first ever recipient of a Wolves wheelchair as a result of the collections back in 1995.

The collection will also help the ongoing work of Compton Hospice. It takes over £6 million every year for Compton Hospice to provide its services to patients free of charge.  With government funding only providing one third of this, the hospice relies heavily on fundraising to maintain its level and quality of care and the support of Wolves fans is greatly appreciated.

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