Supporting Ukraine

Tettenhall Rotary Club has received special recognition for the humanitarian assistance which it’s members have given to the people of the Ukraine.

As we mark the anniversary of the Russian invasion Wolverhampton’s Ukrainian community presented Rotary Club President Mark Heywood with a certificate of thanks from the citizens and soldiers of the Ukraine.

Working with its supporters and with other Wolverhampton based charities and voluntary groups the Tettenhall Club has donated power generators, gas stoves, drones and power banks all of which have been delivered to the areas of greatest need with the help of the City’s Ukrainian Association who have shipped more than 500 tonnes of aid to the country.

Club President Mark Heywood gratefully received the award from Ian and Slava Madylus – members of the local Ukrainian community who have worked tirelessly to ensure that aid reaches those in need

Ian and Slava also made a special presentation of a Ukrainian Mace to Club member Chris Kraushar who has led the work of the Club in support of Ukraine 

The  anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine reminds us of the continuing need to support the people of the Ukraine who are fighting for their very existence, against a vastly more powerful attacker and who  are desperately in need of humanitarian assistance