Tettenhall Remembers 2020

The Tettenhall Rotary Club Tree of Light is the perfect way for you to remember a loved one, to wish someone good luck for the New Year, to celebrate a special achievement or just to send a message out to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

This year these most unusual times have offered us the opportunity to widen the appeal and to support small local community good causes and charities run by volunteers, rather than one named organisation, and which are in urgent need of support like those mentioned above.

We continue to connect with and be an integral part of our community not only asking you to remember a loved one but also to take the opportunity to remember those who have helped us, the NHS workers, your neighbours, local trades people and your friends who have brought the community closer together through this dreadful pandemic.

As this year has seen the 75th commemoration of VE and VJ Days, the 80th recognition of the Battle of Britain and the rebuilding of the War Memorial at St Michael’s Church it is also an opportunity to remember someone who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Your messages will be prominently displayed on the video display screen in the main window of Peter James Estate Agents on Tettenhall Upper Green from the last week of November until the end of December

All proceeds will help the work of local good causes so DONATE NOW to remember your loved one and to help make a difference in Wolverhampton.

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