Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Annette Okeke

Annette was recognised for her commitment to improving outcomes for young people in Wolverhampton.

An active member of the City’s Youth Council, Annete was previously a member of the Whitmore Reans Youth Ambassadors which is a group who meet to highlight local issues affecting young people to decision makers in the City.

As Chair of the Culture and Diversity Forum she has helped to frame sexual health and healthy relationships content in the Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) curriculum. 

Annette has also represented the City at the West Midlands Police Youth Summit as well as being part of the Dying to Talk project which seeks to spark conversations and disseminate knowledge about death, dying and bereavement amongst young people. 

She has been an amazing representative for young people in Wolverhampton.

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