Wolverhampton Youth Orchestras Pre Tour Concert 2015

The six Rotary Clubs of Wolverhampton have been supporting the Wolverhampton Youth Orchestra and the Wolverhampton Youth Wind Orchestra for 22 years now and the Orchestras annual pre tour concert has become a regular feature of our calendars.

The support which the clubs give to the concert together with the support of local businesses ensures that all of the Orchestras members are able to take part in their annual summer tour no matter their families financial circumstances..

This years tour sees the Orchestras taking part in music festivals throughout Central Spain.

An established part of the concert is the award of the various certificates of excellence which these talented young musicians have earned during the course of the year and special congratulations went to Wolverhampton Young Musician of the Year Antnio D’Souza.
Our thanks got to Conductors Keith Sedgebeer and Ian Brailsford and to all of the members of the Orchestras for a wonderful evenings entertainment.

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