Young Citizen Award – Gursonia Kaur Clair & Anisha Aujilay

Its the first time that here has ever been joint nomination for the award but Gursonia Clair and Anisha Aujilay have always worked together to put the needs of others above their own.

As part of the Charity Committee at Tettenhall College for the past year their ideas and actions have been an integral part in helping to collect over £7000 for various charities, including CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young), Compton Hospice, Macmillan Cancer Support and Children In Need. They are the first to volunteer for the charity events and often use their own money and time to arrange events, giving their time freely despite being under pressure with schoolwork.

Gursonia and Anisha have also undertaken fundraising for Cancer Research UK — including a fun run, hot dog sales, and lunchtime discos — all under their own steam as part of their D of E scheme. Break times see Gursonia and Anisha staff the pupil tuck shop and at lunchtime they volunteer to run a games club for Reception pupils, so that they can learn all about team work, taking part and the aspect of winning and losing.

They are both hoping to go into the field of medicine after their A Levels and tutors believe their outlook in helping others will stand them in good stead. The College is understandably proud of the pair and of the excellent example which they set for other pupils.

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