His Majesty King Charles III

“My Mother’s reign was unequalled in its duration, its dedication and its devotion. Even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life. I am deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of Sovereignty which have now passed to me.

In taking up these responsibilities, I shall strive to follow the inspiring example I have been set in upholding constitutional government and to seek the peace, harmony and prosperity of the peoples of these Islands and of the Commonwealth Realms and Territories throughout the world. In this purpose, I know that I shall be upheld by the affection and loyalty of the peoples whose Sovereign I have been called upon to be”

The local proclamation of King Charles III as our new monarch will be read by the Mayor of Wolverhampton, Cllr Sandra Samuels OBE, outside St Peter’s Collegiate Church tomorrow (Sept 11), at 1pm. All are welcome so let’s show Wolverhampton’s support for our new King.

Full details are on the City Council website – https://condolences.wolverhampton.gov.uk/local-proclamation.html. Please share with your friends and family.



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