Promoting Numeracy and Literacy

A new Rotary year sees a new President of Tettenhall Rotary Club with the appointment tonight of John Margetts.

For his year in office John has set the Club theme of ‘Numeracy and Literacy’

Worldwide, 67 million children have no access to education, and more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Rotary supports educational projects at home and around the world that provide technology, teacher training, vocational training teams, student meal programs, and low-cost textbooks in order improve access to basic education and literacy, to reduce gender inequality and increase adult literacy.

John sees education as the most important weapon in the battle to enable people escape the poverty trap and to allow them to fulfil their potential.

Recognising that people learn most when learning is fun the Club will be working with local schools to develop and promote a number of fun new learning initiatives over the coming year.

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