Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Keisha Riley

As overall winner of the Wolverhampton Young Citizen Award 2022 Keisha was recognised for her volunteer work with the African Caribbean Community Initiative, a holistic and comprehensive support service for African Caribbeans affected by mental ill health.

Initially supporting ACCI staff by running errands around the building, photocopying, designing posters and helping members with basic technology issues Keisha has developed into a full member of the ACCI team and works mentoring other members as well as championing mental health issues both in school and the wider community. 

By nominating Keisha for this award the ACCI recognised how much she is respected, appreciated and loved within the community. 

Keisha told the Express & Star “ I am so honoured to win this award, it is not just an award for me, its is for everyone at ACCI and the good work that is done there.

I have been volunteering there since I was nine and hope my example will inspire other young people to help others”

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