Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Finalist – Emma Falconer

Wolverhampton Young Citizen 2022 Runner Up Emma was recognised for her volunteering work and her involvement with Girlguiding, she currently is a Leader in Training with 3rd Bilston Guides. 

Since becoming a Young Leader she has been developing her leadership skills with young women aged 10-14 and impressed the judges as embodying everything a good youth leader should be – an excellent role model for young girls having a positive impact on their lives.

As well as promoting the work of Guiding Emma has been involved with multiple community volunteering activities throughout Bilston including helping the Royal British Legion with their poppy day campaigns and the Rotary Club of Bilston and Wolverhampton West with their Santa Sleigh.

She is an amazing advocate for Girlguiding and truly supports and empowers young women.

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